The Drama Triangle

The Drama Triangle created by Stephen Karpman defines three roles that people tend to play when in conflict with each other.

  1. The Victim - their stance is 'poor me'. Feels oppressed, hopeless, powerless, ashamed, unable to act.

  2. The Rescuer - their line is 'let me help you'. They feel guilty if they don't come to the rescue. Their prime motive is to avoid their own problems through concern for the victim's needs.

  3. The Persecutor (a.k.a Villain) - insists "it's all your fault". They are controlling, blaming, critical, oppressive, angry, authoritarian, rigid and superior.

We suggest if you notice that you are falling into one of these 3 roles in a conflict you should try and think of yourself as:

  1. For the Victim: a curious child. Accepting their vulnerability and asking why others are behaviour in the way they are.

  2. For the Rescuer: a wise guide. Show concern and be caring but not over-reach and problem solve for others.

  3. For the Persecutor: a brave warrior. Ask for what they want, be assertive but not punishing.

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